Students who wish to offer H2 Mathematics should have knowledge of O-level Additional Mathematics. Students without O-level Additional Mathematics are advised to offer H1 Mathematics instead.
Students who wish to offer H2 Biology, Chemistry, or Physics should have knowledge of the O-level curriculum of the respective science subject. The A-level curriculum for these subjects builds on the foundations laid at O-level. Students without the required content knowledge will have difficulty keeping pace with instruction at H2 level.
Students who wish to offer the following subjects will have to sit and pass a placement test:
Art (also includes submission of portfolio)
English Language and Linguistics
Further Mathematics*
Knowledge and Inquiry
Music (also includes an audition)
* Students who wish to offer Further Mathematics must also concurrently offer H2 Mathematics.
There are no subject prerequisites for H2 Economics, English Literature, Geography or History. You do not need to have offered the above subjects at O-level to read them at A-level. All students would have offered at least 1 humanities subject at O-level and acquired the skills needed to manage the demands of another humanities subject at A-level.