Raffles Institution 2022 Year 5 Open House FAQs
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School Life
How many students are there in each level at RI (Year 5-6)?
Is there a difference between Raffles Institution and Raffles Junior College?
What are the school hours like at RI?
What is GAP Day?
Can you tell me more about the House system in RI?
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Academic Programme
Is there a difference between the academic programme for Raffles Programme students and JAE students?
What are the subjects offered at RI?
Is it compulsory for students to offer H1 Mother Tongue at A-level?
Does RI provide support (e.g. remedial programmes) for students who struggle with their studies?
Is H2 Computing offered in RI?
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Student Development Matters
What leadership positions are available for students in RI?
Is it very stressful in RI?
How many 'dress down' days are there in a week?
Are there opportunities for students to be involved in overseas immersion or student exchange programmes?
Is it compulsory for me to take up a CCA?
How many CCAs can a student join? For example, is it difficult to juggle Students' Council with another CCA?
What are the training hours for CCAs like?
Is Singapore Youth Flying Club (SYFC) a CCA in RI?
Do IP students have an edge in choosing their CCAs as compared to JAE students?
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Financial Matters
What are the school fees for RI?
Does RI have any Financial Assistance schemes to help pay for school fees?
What is the Edusave Scholarship for Independent Schools (ESIS)?
Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE)
JAE Questions
What is the L1R5 cut-off point for admission to RI?
If I do not meet the cut-off point, can I appeal to join RI?
If I meet the cut-off point but do not get posted to RI, how do I appeal?
How many students are admitted via the Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE)?
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